Welcome to Kevin Booth Gospel Ministries! We are here to lift up the name Of Jesus through the gift of song! Our desire is to draw those already in The Lord to a closer walk with him and to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus!
Kevin first dedicated his life to The Lord at the age of 20. Not long afterwards his career in Country music started to take off! He believed he could balance the lifestyle of the bars and clubs and still retain his walk with The Lord! As time went on though he began to slip away from church ane even further away from God himself! After years away from The Lord Kevin began to feel an emptiness in his heart that was overwhelming! One hot summer morning in August of 2012 he dropped to his knees and rededicated his life to The Lord! He was rebaptized soon afterwards.Since then he has been commmitted to using his musical gifts to telling the Gospel through song!
Beginning in January 2017 Kevin will no longer perform secular music of any kind! God has called him into full time Gospel ministry!